Openoffice drawing tools
Openoffice drawing tools

GTD-Free provides you with a framework to implement the "Getting Things Done" methodology without using reams of paper. Also included are some example action lists to help get you started if you're new to the GTD methodology. The image is transformed into a drawing shape to allow its rotation.

openoffice drawing tools

in a text document using the mouse, like others graphical objects.

openoffice drawing tools

The program lets you use either a flat XML database (simple) or an ODB-format database (scales well), and you can switch from the former to the latter at any time. The extension WriterRotationTool allows to rotate an image. Organized into four action tabs - Collect, Process, Organize/Review, and Execute - it lets you see all stages of your GTD workflow at a glance. GTD-Free helps you automate the GTD system, so you don't have to rely as much on pieces of paper or manual notes. 9: GTD-Freeĭavid Allen's Getting Things Done productivity system has helped many people get their lives in order. The presentation of each node in a "mind map" can be customized enormously.ĭesktop productivity tool No. If you have used a CAD program or any basic drawing program before you will find much of Draw familiar. FreeMind is a drawing tool and editor for brainstorming. A few words about using the Drawing tools. The resulting map can be exported as graphics or a data tree (such as an XHTML document), or even as a Web page that replicates the layout of the original mind map.

openoffice drawing tools

The command keys and default behaviors are well chosen, so it's not hard for someone to dive in and quickly start brainstorming. It's a drawing tool specifically for creating "mind maps," or diagrams that illustrate conceptual frameworks. 8: FreeMindĪt first glance it's tempting to lump FreeMind in the same category as Dia, but it's been designed from the inside out to satisfy a separate need.

Openoffice drawing tools